I had no intention of getting political, or even soap-boxy in any real way, on this blog. Maybe it's because this election is especially charged, or maybe it's because I've done a ridiculous amount of self-study in the past two years, or maybe I'm just having a grouchy moment: but I'm gonna get a little bit political and soapbox-y. Sorry/not sorry. You've been warned.
Full disclosure: I'm with her. I'm voting for Hillary, and I sincerely hope that you do too. If you're voting third party this year, I highly encourage you to re-consider, and read this. Other than that, I just really hope you get out and vote for whoever you genuinely believe has the skills necessary to run this country for the next 4-8 years. If you haven't registered yet, DO IT HERE!
With that disclosure out of the way, we'll get to the main situation. I was on Facebook last night, perusing my friends' posts, and came across a really kind, well-written post from a friend who hasn't been very enthused about Hillary. He detailed her strongest moments in the debate Monday, and admitted that he had gained significant confidence in her ability to be our next president. It was a great post! It had facts, it was based on her skills and poise in the debate, and didn't bring unnecessary negativity into the conversation.
Of course, there were comments. Most were "Rock on!" or "Well said!" — affirming, positive, etc. Then there was a woman, who left two comments. The second one said "but well said, {John}" (not his real name). The first one said: "#ihateherface" ... Um, what? You hate her face? You hate Hillary Clinton's face? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? How is this relevant? How is this kind? Would you say that about a male candidate? (In all honestly, I see how maybe I actually WOULD say that about Donald Trump, if pressed, but still don't think it's relevant to his capabilities as a president). In combination with her second "but well said" comment ... I'm dumbfounded. Are you a Hillary supporter but also feel the need to point out that you hate her face? Please explain your logic to me. My knee-jerk reaction is to assume you have some deep issues yourself that manifest by lashing out at other women's appearances, but I guess I shouldn't judge.
I do not engage in discussion/argument/anything on facebook, really, but this nearly sent me over the edge ready to call this woman (who I do not know) out. As women, shouldn't we support each other? Doesn't that mean rising above pointless physical accusations? Heck, the woman card isn't even necessary here — as PEOPLE, shouldn't we be better than this? If your criticism of someone can be summed up in an ineloquent hashtag of #ihateherface ... I'd implore you to search a little deeper. Let's be kind to each other, even if we hold differing opinions. Let's not shame each other for our bodies. We are so much more than bodies or genders. Stop being such meanies!
If you're still here ... thank you for not leaving me. I don't anticipate getting on the soapbox often, but I am gonna be real with you!
Let's talk about soup. Way more comforting than this election, amiright!? This soup has everything orange: butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes ... chanterelles. I guess they're in the yellow/orange family, yes? Yes. Pretty simple: roast the veg. Cook the aromatics. Add broth, blend, add cream, saute mushrooms. EAT. Hearty, vegetarian, deliciously fall soup.
Have a wonderful, kind, supportive, non-judgemental week!! xo
Butternut Squash Sweet Potato Bisque with Buttered Chanterelles
- Prep Time: 15 mins
- Cook Time: 1 hour
- Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Yield: 4 quarts 1x
- 1 medium butternut squash
- 1 extra large (or 2 medium) sweet potatoes
- 2 large carrots
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 4 sprigs of fresh thyme
- salt & pepper
- 6 Tbsp butter, divided
- 1 leek, diced (white and light green only)
- 1 Spanish onion, diced
- 8 sage leaves, minced
- 1 large bay leaf
- 4 cups vegetable broth
- 1.5 cups whole milk or cream
- ⅓ lb chanterelles, sliced thin
- Preheat the oven to 375F.
- Cut the squash in half, lengthwise, and scoop out the seeds. Place it cut-side-down in a baking dish with a ½" water. Bake until very soft, about 45 minutes to an hour.
- After you put the squash in the oven, chop the sweet potatoes and carrots into small chunks, toss with olive oil, thyme, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and add to the oven with the squash. These veggies should only take 30-40 minutes.
- Remove the vegetables and squash as they're ready.
- Once everything is out of the oven, heat a large soup pot over medium heat. Add 3 tablespoon butter, then the leek, onion, and sage.
- Saute until the onion is soft, then add the carrots, sweet potato, and (scooped out of the skin) squash, along with the bay leaf and vegetable broth.
- Bring everything to a simmer, and let cook for 20 minutes.
- Remove the bay leaf and use an immersion blender to blend the soup smooth. Add the milk/cream, bring back to barely a simmer, and season with salt and pepper to taste.
- To make the mushrooms, heat the remaining 3 tablespoon butter in a frying pan. When the butter is very hot, nearly sizzling, add the mushrooms. Cook, stirring, until they are soft and the edges are crisping brown. Remove and serve immediately on top of the warm soup.
michelle @ hummingbird high says
dude those #neverhillary people drive me nuts. i'm not one to engage in fb fights either, but i'm pretty sure i would have punched #ihateherface in the face.
ps – this soup looks great.
Mary says
Uuugh yes I'm with you there!! And, thanks!! I think it'd probably be better with a slice of the pie you just posted!! 😉
Meredith {MarthaChartreuse} says
Proud of you for such an eloquent argument. It isn't always fun to speak up, but if we don't, the hate continues. #goodtrouble
Mary says
Thanks, Meredith!! Glad to have you as a fellow enthusiast!! xoxo
Elizabeth says
I love you for writing (and being brave enough) about Hillary in such a positive and encouraging light. I'm a teacher of high school students and do not share my opinions with them because it is so charged this year. But in the teachers workroom....we are all on the same page!! Thank you for making a small kind space for her on your blog!!
Mary says
Thanks, Elizabeth!! That must be hard with your students — I assume they have a variety of backgrounds and opinions (informed and uninformed) on the election. Glad to have you here! xo
Lovepudding says
I suggest you read a book called 'Clinton Cash', very well documented. Just stick to cooking until you educate yourself.
Mary says
Thanks for your comment, Lovepudding! Again, I'm not advocating for anything/anyone in this post besides using factual, non-body-shaming arguments. Have a great day!
Heather Caplan says
I very much appreciated the soapbox moment and am right there with ya! This even inspired me to send an email with a message I've been holding in, uncomfortably, because we just don't talk politics in the family and I had to break that unspoken rule. Thanks for that little push 😉
Mary says
Glad to hear it, Heather!! xoxo
Rick Schwartz says
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I personally can't accept someone who lies to the American public and puts her own interest above all else. I'm just sorry that you felt you needed to use your wonderful blog for something other than what it was intended.
Mary says
Hey Rick! I'm not trying to push Hillary on anyone else, and fully admit she is not perfect. My entire argument here is that instead of opposing her because of her FACE, or some other ridiculous measurement, people should be articulate with their reasons, opinions, and arguments against her.
As for using this blog for something 'other than what it was intended' ... I think it's intent is entirely up to the creator. I see you've unsubscribed, and wish you well!
Amber says
Mary, This soup looks like it is everything I've ever dreamed of in a soup. I can't wait to make it.
Also, I appreciate you speaking up and using your voice to call out this absurd body shaming nonsense. #imwithher too.
I'll be passing along this post to a few friends who I know will appreciate this soup and your thoughts, so don't worry about Rick unsubscribing, you will gain new followers in your moment on openness. (not that you are worried).
And also, if Rick does stop back by, the facts show that Hillary is the most honest candidates we have had in this entire election cycle - and Trump - well, he's been the least honest. I guess he got the names mixed up. http://mannmetrics.com/who-lies-more/#more-1
Mary says
Thanks for the kind words, and being here, Amber! I'm not too concerned about Rick... but I do appreciate the new followers!! xoxo
john f burns says
i have to tell you, Mary, you remind me of my daughter, Marion. In our family we have republicans and democrats in a fairly even balance. But we still love one another. We will abide by lairs in the family but they will not be held in esteem. Holding Hilary in esteem after it has been shown that she is willing to lie repeatedly to the face of the American public is a step too far for most in my family including the democrats. Maybe the real problem stems from the lack of a truly free press. Lately it seems the News is no longer on the front page, so we as normal Americans don't get the bare facts as I like to call them, what it is, not what you (reporters) think it should be or wish it was, the facts so I can make up my own mind using truth not deception. I'm a almost 70 year old Vietnam vet and I love to cook and grow all kinds of stuff because I love to eat. i'm going to try your soup, looks great.
Mary says
Thanks for the thoughtful comment, John. I agree, we don't have all the facts on either side... and it's certainly not a great situation. Thanks for your service, and enjoy the soup! xo
George says
Don't get political. I will not be voting for HRC.
Your recipes are good and if you want to keep and get more people to your website, don't EVER discuss religion, politics or any other hot topics other than what your website is supposed to be. This will be my one and last time to your website.
Mary says
Thanks for your "advice", George. I wasn't aware that my website was "supposed" to be something other than whatever I make it! Have a great time elsewhere!
Mina says
Got to love the mansplainers...great blog, great recipe and thanks for using your freedom of speech. #imwithher
Mary says
Hahaha thank you, Mina! Mansplainers gonna mansplain... oh well! xoxo
Maggie says
Mary, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am stunned that people think it is their place to reprimand you for posting your thoughts and opinions on YOUR blog. I appreciate your authenticity!
Mary says
Ha! Thank you, Maggie. I'm glad you're still here! xoxo
Emma @ General contractor says
Your recipes excel. as well as Happy with you for such a significant debate. It isn't really constantly fun to speak out, yet if we don't, the hate continues.
Mary says
Thanks, Emma! I really appreciate the kind words! Now that the election is over, I am feeling more and more like I need to continue speaking out, because you're absolutely right! Thanks for stopping by! xoxo