I'm not sure if it's the quality of TV I've been watching, or if it's something entirely different, but I have been CRACKING UP — out loud — alone in my apartment... and I'm very aware of it. At first I didn't notice much, but then I started realizing: did I used to do this? Did I crack up when I was living with other people? I guess I must have — I don't remember being conscious about it and suppressing my laughter — but I'm much more aware of it now. Maybe because it seems weird to make out-loud noises by myself? I'm not sure. I'm still figuring this out, but I'm definitely laughing big ol' belly laughs a LOT. It actually feels really good!
The two shows I've been watching lately are: Friends and Broad City. I finished watching alllll ten seasons of Friends (most of which I've seen before) last weekend, after working through them on Netflix at an alarming rate. It's the perfect show for watching in the background, though — which I almost never do, since I feel the need to pay attention to everything usually. But Friends was perfect for packing, unpacking, cooking, cleaning, etc. And, now that I'm actually the same age the characters are, it is WAY more applicable/relatable/hilarious. I'm so glad I spent/wasted many many hours over the last two months re-watching! (Seriously, that's a LOT of watching in two months. Oof.)
Broad City is an entirely different beast. It took me a few episodes to get into it, and I would not recommend it to everyone... but holy moly is it hilarious! And completely inappropriate. I'm (close to) the age of their main characters, and while my life looks little-to-nothing like theirs: I can relate to many of the smaller quirks. This clip gets me every. single. time. And I won't go into details on how much I can relate to it. (Caution: sensored nudity). Oooh too good!
Sad news, though: I finished Broad City, too!! So now I'm bingeing on Podcasts. I cancelled my NYT subscription a while back, so I'm lacking on my news knowledge: which I miss! So, now I'm listening to all the newsy podcasts, as well as storytelling, traveling, food, comedy, yoga/meditation, random stuff. Any podcasts you guys recommend? They're my new favorite thing to do while cooking! I used to just cook in silence... or sometimes with music... but now I can be productively enhancing my brain while I cook! HOW GREAT IS THAT!? This makes me feel old, because only old people like talk radio, right? Right. I'm there. I love it. Because that's what podcasts are: talk radio. Oof.
Should we talk about salmon? Broiling salmon is my absolute favorite way to cook it. It's SO fast — like 5 minutes fast — and the brown sugar melts and caramelizes and you end up with one delicious slice o' fish! If you have a really thick filet, make sure you lower the rack and cook it for longer... otherwise you'll have a burnt top and raw inside piece of fish. Ain't nobody got time for that!
As for the topping, I don't know what inspired me to do this combo, but I really really loved it. I LOVE asparagus, but combined with sweet red strawberries: YEESSSS! Highly recommended! I served this alongside some wild rice, and had a lovely meal! Then had raspberry rhubarb crisp for dessert. WINNING!
Enjoy, my loves! Have a wonderful weekend! Leave me your podcast suggestions! xoxo
Brown Sugar Salmon with Asparagus Strawberry Topping
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 15 mins
- Total Time: 20 minutes
- Yield: 4-6 1x
- 2 cups chopped asparagus (1" segments)
- 2 cups chopped strawberries
- salt & pepper
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 3 Tbsp brown sugar
- ¼ tsp salt
- 1 tsp chili powder (or paprika, for less spice)
- ⅛ tsp ground black pepper
- 2-3 lb salmon filet, fresh
- ½ cup plain greek yogurt
- Cook the asparagus in a saucepan over medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until just softening. Remove from heat. Toss with the strawberries and lemon juice, and season lightly with salt and pepper. Set aside
- Combine the brown sugar, salt, chili powder, and black pepper. Stir to combine, the spread gently onto the surface of the salmon filet, which should be on a foil-lined baking sheet.
- Broil the salmon, on the highest rack, for 5-6 minutes. If your filet is thicker than 1", lower the rack and broil for 8-9 minutes instead.
- Serve the salmon immediately, topped with the asparagus/strawberry topping, and the Greek yogurt diluted with a few tablespoon of water.
Elizabeth says
You must must must listen to the SERIAL podcast. You will never leave your home until you fiish listening. And DO NOT allow yourself to read any spoilers. It is brilliant. It won awards and dominated the news here for awhile. Of course This American Life, Ted Talks, and Radio Lab. Those are also awesome.
Mary says
Oh, Elizabeth: I am ALL about Serial!! I binge-listened in two days in December! Have you been listening to the continuation (not by Sarah and the gang, but by the lawyers and friends of Adnan)? It's called "Undisclosed" and is interesting, although it hasn't sucked me in quite as much as serial did. Thanks for the suggestions!! xo
Meredith {MarthaChartreuse} says
This looks absolutely delicious!! Also, might I suggest binge watching Gilmore Girls?!
Mary says
Thanks, Meredith! You aren't the first to recommend GG — so maybe I should give it some thought!! I watched most of it when it actually came out, so it may be time to revisit... 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
Maggie says
So these are T.V. shows and not podcasts, but I was laughing out loud to The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix. It is hilarious. Also Veep is side-splittingly funny and Call the Midwife is touching and incredibly well done. You know, just in case you are up for binge-watching some awesome female-driven T.V. shows that will make you laugh or cry. Those are my recent faves. Oh, and Homeland. Obsessed with Homeland. Apparently I watch a lot more T.V. than I realized!!
Mary says
OMG Kimmy Schmidt SLAYS ME. I was dying. Such a good one! I haven't seen ANY of the others you recommend, though, so I will put them on the list! Not that my productivity needs it ... oh well! 🙂 Thanks, Maggie!
Jamie says
Cook time is off!
Mary says
Can you give us some details? What worked for you? How thick was your salmon?
Linda Wiseman says
Just found your blog and Pinterest profile. Your recipes look heavenly! Can't wait to try this one in particular!
Mary says
Thanks, Linda!! Glad to have you here! xo