If you love this oreo cookie butter, check out my Thin Mint Cookie Butter and my White Chocolate Candy Cane Cashew Butter!
Oreo cookie butter. Heck. Yes.
Yesterday I had a birthday, so I made oreo butter. What else do you do on a Monday birthday? Eeeh not a lot. I did receive an unbelievable amount of encouragement after yesterday's post — phone calls, texts, emails, comments: THANK YOU! I'm feeling much more encouraged today, after a successful run yesterday. Maybe it's that extra year of wisdom I have now... 😉
Derek did a wonderful job of taking me out this weekend to celebrate, and he also re-stocked my cookie butter supply. Well played, sir. This got me thinking: what else can I make into a delicious spread? I'm not really even that fond of gingerbread or biscoff cookies — which are essentially the base for cookie butter — so what DO I like?
Oreos. If I had to pick one kind of store-bought cookie, it would be a tough battle between lofthouse cookies and Oreo's. Yesterday, I chose Oreos.
The more I type "oreos" the weirder it looks. Oreos. Oreo's? No, Oreos.
The key to making oreo cookie butter, or any butter for that matter, is to blend it about 10x longer than you expect you'll have to. It'll keep getting smoother and smoother. It's actually pretty incredible!

Oreo Cookie Butter
- Prep Time: 15 mins
- Total Time: 15 minutes
- 1 box of Oreo Cookies (about 36 cookies)
- ¼ cup coconut oil*, at room temperature
- Combine the oreos and coconut oil in a food processor. Turn it on and let it run for at least 5 minutes. Scrape down the sides, and let it run again for at least 3 minutes, longer if you have the patience.
- The food processor will heat up the coconut oil, making it very fluid: as your finished Oreo Cookie Butter cools, it will solidify more to the consistency of peanut butter. Store at room temperature.
*If you don't like the taste of coconut oil, substitute vegetable oil, but use less as it will result in a runnier product.
Shobhz says
OMg that looks amazing and so buttery and creamy. Love the clicks!
Angela says
I am so glad I stumbled on your blog because bottom line this looks amazing.
Mary says
Thanks, Angela! I'm glad you like it 🙂
Andrew says
Do you need a processer can you do it any other way
Mary says
Hi Andrew! You could potentially use a blender, but you definitely need something powerful that can grind it up really fine! Good luck! xo
Leah says
This is brilliant! I love Trader Joe's cookie butter and I just made my own homemade Nutella... this homemade orea cookie butter is definitely next on my list. Thanks for sharing!
sandra says
this is crazy decadent. I love it! move over nutella
Cathy says
This looks delicious!
I would love for you to link up to my TGIF Link Party!
Melissa says
A friend pointed me in this direction. Yum!!!! I wanted to point out that you can get taste neutral coconut oil, if you want the consistency without the "tropical Oreo" flavor.
Mary says
Ooh good to know — I had no idea!
KimB says
do you scrape off the white stuff or leave it on?
Mary says
definitely leave it on!!
Mario says
who are we
to play god
*single tear rolls down cheek*
Needless to say, this is absolutely incredible and I'm so excited to try it. Thank you for sharing!!!
Nickie says
What if I don't have a food processor..??
Mary says
A high-powered blender, like a blendtec or a vitamix, would work - other than that, you're out of luck (I think!). A food processor is a great investment - you can make all sorts of great things with them!
Nickie says
I'll try to figure something out! Thank you!
[we probably can't afford a food processor... We honestly can barely afford to waste butter for something that looks this delicious! o ^ o]
Erica says
Ooh I feel you, sister. I just came to this blog to figure out how to make this ooey gooey deliciousness and I am leaving disappointed because I can't afford the tools I need. Poo!
Mary says
Sorry, Erica! I got my food processor from my mom (it's literally 30 years old), otherwise I probably wouldn't have one either!
Allie says
Question: how long does this keep?
Mary says
Hmm. Oreos have a REALLY long shelf life (if sealed), and coconut oil lasts 6 months... so, go from there! I'd definitely keep it in an airtight container.
Angela says
what do you eat it with?
Mary says
Anything you want! On toast, on a spoon, in a sandwich, on graham crackers, pancakes, etc. You could mix it into cookie batter, rice crispie treats, etc.
Mia says
I'm wondering.... can you use actual butter?
Mary says
I don't see why not... let me know how it works if you do!
Lya says
I don't have food processor or high power blender so I used the usual one, it worked! Just need patience, a lot of it. Took me almost an hour to make it.
Mary says
Good to know! I'm impressed by your patience!
Gabrielle says
I don't have a food processor D: only a blender...
Mary says
Other commenters have had success with blenders!
Cassy says
I love this so much is there any ways to make it in larger quantities because i doubled the recipe but it was much harder to blend, any ideas to make it easier would be awesome 😀
Mary says
Unless you have a larger food processor, no. It would be much much much faster to do many small batches than try to muscle through a huge one!
Justin says
The Coconut oil I got was taste neutral, but it was the consistency of shortening. I ended up doubling the amount of oil I used. I also didn't have a food processor or a blender, but I used a hand mixer and added about 1/4 cup of water. it started out messy, but it turned out perfect!
Rose says
Does it Have to be Coconut oil???
Can it have a substitute of some sort or just normal butter instead?
Mary says
I haven't made it with anything besides coconut oil, so I can't definitively say so, but I'm sure other things would work... give butter a try, and let me know if it works!
Saige says
How much vegetable oil? And could it be substituted for almond oil?
Mary says
I've never tried either, but I'd start with 1/4 cup and slowly add more if needed! I think any oil would be fine, just consider the taste!
Ann says
Up to how many cups can the Oreo butter make? I plan on making this as Christmas presents and storing them in 8 ounce mason jars
Mary says
I think from one recipe you'd probably get enough to ALMOST fill two 8-oz jars, but not quite enough.
Levi says
Could you use this as an icing on a cake?
Mary says
Oooh what a good idea! It would certainly be different, but you totally could! If you wanted it to have a bit more structure, you could beat it in a mixer with butter to make it an oreo buttercream frosting!
Gen says
Would it be cool to use DoubleStuff Oreos with this recipe?
Mary says
Heck yes! I bet it'd be a bit creamier, so you might not have to add any oil/butter to it... try it out!!
Alyssa {Cake, Crust, and Sugar Dust} says
What an awesome idea! So easy too...can't wait to try it!
Ellison says
How many ounces did a standard box of 36 oreos yield? Just curious; with that information, I'd be able to do the math regarding the nutrition facts per serving of oreo butter. Thanks!
Mary says
Hi Ellison — I didn't record that measurement last time I made this recipe, so I can't say for sure! I will be sure to let you know if/when I make this again. Let me know if you make it and figure it out!
Sara Opsenica says
Omg, I just have to say, this is so amazing. Probably one of the best things I've ever made. Thank you so much for posting this. Seriously.
meg says
Why have I not seen this?? This is a no-brainer. Gotta make some as soon as possible!!!
Rika says
I tried making this and turned out that the texture is a bit grainy like a cookie texture
Is it supposed to be like that? or is there any trick to make the butter smoother?
Mary says
It will definitely still be grainy — I don't think there is a way around it!
Vandigo says
I broke my magic bullet blender trying to make this and screwed it up terribly.
The screw up tastes like magic and unicorns and I can't wait until I can get an actual food processor so I can make it right.
Mary says
Haha — I am SO sorry about your magic bullet (contact the company! get a new one!), but I love your descriptions. I'm assuming tasting like magic and unicorns is a good thing. I bet you can find a cheap food processor online after Thanksgiving! Good luck!
Bill says
I want to make this, but I have a question (may be a silly one). We use the coconut oil solid (as it is) or we melt it and let it come to room temperature???
Mary says
Not a silly question! I melted mine, but if your machine is making even the slightest bit of heat... you could probably get away with using it solid. Enjoy!
Catie says
I love this recipe but when I made it it was very dry. What made it much better was adding cream cheese. The cream cheese added a light cheese flavor while making it moist. I definitely recommend this recipe!
Mary says
Thanks, Catie! Cream cheese sounds delicious in here!
Cute panda girl says
I tried it and it was amazing my mom doesn't like coconut taste so I used veggie oil still good though
Rachel Page says
I just can’t say no to cookie butter. I can eat by the spoonful
Clara Ingewati says
OMG... it looks heavenly delicious!
Mary says
Thanks, Clara!
Lizzy says
Holy wow. I want to dip ev-er-y-thing in this!
Mary says
I support that!!! xoxo
MG says
Okay this sounds like heaven and I look forward to making it but what do I eat it with? Ice cream? A spoon? What works?
Mary says
Hey MG! I'd say: YES! Ice cream! Spoon! Graham crackers! Animal crackers! Cookies! Pretzels! The possibilities are endless 😉
Enjoy! xo
Linda Johnson says
Do you think this would also work with Trader Joe's Gluten Free Joe Joe's, or does it require gluten? TIA. I typically avoid these types of things but having a treat is a sweet thing as a previous "Dessert Queen"!
Mary says
Hi Linda! It definitely does not require gluten, so I think they GF Joe Joe's would work! Enjoy! xo
That looks amazing! Do you know how long i can keep them in room temperature tho? What if i keep them in the fridge? TIA!
Mary says
Hi! I wouldn't keep it at room temperature much longer than a week... but I honestly am not sure what the shelf life of oreos is!
Raïkata says
I was looking for what could I use to do a Minnie face on a birthday cake! I have found it 😀
Mary says
Oooh fun!! Sounds like a great project!