And sauerkraut! And seaweed! And seeds! And 'rots! And 'maters! AND ALL THE THINGS!
This is actually what I've been eating for the last week, since coming home from Europe, in order to SIGNIFICANTLY RAISE my veggie-consumption. I even told myself I was FORBIDDEN to buy cheese at the grocery store, so I wouldn't be tempted to make a quesadilla in place of eating veggies. AND IT WORKED! Kind of. I went a whole week without buying cheese, then bought like 3 lbs of it yesterday. And had a quesadilla today. SORRRRRRY VEGGIE BELLY!
Even with the (small) quesadilla in my belly, I'm still just on a total veggie kick. Honestly, it would be a pretty big shift for me to eat something like this every day. Yeah, I eat a decent amount of veggies — but they're usually along with something bready and cheesey, and certainly not as boldly VEGGIE-ISH as this. This bowl isn't messing around: it's all about the goods.
That said, there *is* peanut butter in the dressing. Like, mostly peanut butter dressing. But, duh, I'm all about the nut butters so ... I deem that okay. Healthy fats, guys! Healthy fats!
Let's talk about my two favorite parts of this bowl (besides the PB dressing, because honestly that ROCKS): sauerkraut and seaweed. BOTH are total winners. I already gushed about sauerkraut, but it seriously makes this bowl. It adds some crunch, some sour, some liquid, some PURPLE! Go make the sauerkraut RIGHT THIS SECOND if you haven't already. Then you can eat this in a few days! BUT ALSO: the seaweed! I'm a huge fan of nori — the flavor is so so so good! It's kinda crunchy, but then also kinda wilts down in liquid. It's kinda salty. It's seaweedy, but not in a gross way. If you're skeptical, I bet you to just try it in this recipe. It's really not offensive, and you'll be glad you tried! I hope. Money-back guarantee?? YAH!
The other great thing about this recipe is that you can prepare everything ahead of time and keep it all separate in the fridge — then assemble as needed. So, you can make a huge batch and then eat it throughout the week! LUNCH, ANYONE!? Yeah, lunch!
As always, this is clearly something you could dress up however you want. Add some sweet potato chunks! Add whatever veggies you have on hand! Just make sure you add A LOT OF THEM! Lemme know what you try, and how it goes! (AND DON'T SKIP THE SAUERKRAUT AND SEAWEED!)
Vegan Kale Quinoa Bowl with Peanut Dressing
- Prep Time: 10 mins
- Cook Time: 15 mins
- Total Time: 25 minutes
- Yield: 2 1x
- Dressing
- 2 Tbsp creamy peanut butter
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 tsp sriracha, or other hot sauce
- 1 tsp soy sauce (or tamari)
- ¼ cup water
- Veggie Bowl
- ½ cup uncooked quinoa
- 4 cups torn kale leaves
- 1 large carrot, shredded
- 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
- 1 cup sauerkraut
- ¼ cup sunflower seeds
- 2 tsp sesame seeds
- 3 sheets Nori, torn to small pieces
- 3 Tbsp chopped green onions
- Mix all dressing ingredients together until smooth. Set aside.
- Rinse and cook the quinoa according to directions. When it's almost done, steam the kale (I sometimes just throw it right on top of the quinoa about 5 minutes before the quinoa finishes).
- To assemble, put everything together in a bowl (the ingredients here are for two bowls, which you can make separately) and top with the dressing!
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